Many people nowadays find themselves in dangerous situations because they trusted the wrong
medical professional who prescribed drugs that harm or can even kill the patient. When some of these patient then start to experiencing side effects, more dangerous drugs are added to cover up said side effects. There are ZERO clinical studies that have looked into the combined toxicity of these different drugs that many patients have been prescribed, sometimes over many decades.
The unsuspecting patient just follows the doctors orders while the doctors are clueless as to how to taper off the patients without causing them more harm.
If your health care professional prescribes you any drug do yourself a favor and check if this drug has an online support group, chances are there will be many and that should serve you as a warning sign.
Since I have been personally affected by this in the past I wanted to share some information with you here to shed some light onto how to come off these sometimes very dangerous drugs.
When faced with this situation I found these support groups and started digging through them, met fellow patients who were also trying to find their way out of this nightmare.
I was very blessed to connect with a man from Australia who happened to be a Biophysicist by the name of Shane D. He was a wealth of knowledge and shared with me a Micro Liquid Titration Method as well as created a spreadsheet for me with all the necessary mathematical calculations.
In my case I was prescribed Xaanax for Insomnia and because I used it as prescribed by my doctor I was unaware that this medication was used off-label. This class of drug is usually prescribed as an anti-seizure medication or anti-anxiety medication and as one of the shorter acting Benzodiazepines needs to be dosed several times a day. My doctor never shared this information with me and set me up for severe harm including the side effect of dying.
I found another doctor who switched me over to Klonopin a longer acting Benzodiazepine and with the help of my Australian friend Shane I was able to come off the drug using his micro liquid taper method.
The taper lasted 10 months as I would crush up the pill on my first day and suspend it into 300ml of organic whole milk. One can use any type of nut milk for this process.
On day one i would use a syringe and remove 1ml from the medicated milk solution and spill out the content of the syringe and drink the remaining milk solution.
On day two I would remove 2ml from the milk medication solution and spill the contents of the syringe
and drink the remaining 298ml, then we continue until we finish the entire 300 days of taper duration.
By employing this method of titration we are gently reducing the amount of the mediation to give our brains time to readjust our own Gaba receptors that have grown dependent on the medication to do the job for us.
I hope that learning about this method you can help yourselves or your loved ones who might be stuck in similar situations and need a way out.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2024.